

Quant research and demand test to fully functional ecommerce MVP


A leading global CPG brand, wanted to validate a new business - a holistic cat wellness platform - by developing a personalized cat health assessment and selling targeted supplements.

FUNL delivered a multi-phase validation program, starting with quantitative research through demand testing, product prototyping and development, growth marketing, and launching a functional e-commerce MVP.


  • Large-scale quant survey to understand audience receptivity and form testable assumptions.
  • Digital demand test to test value propositions and an initial cat assessment.
  • Collaborated with vets to develop a cat assessment that scores and ranks multiple conditions and provides tailored content and product recommendations.
  • Ran a highly effective first-party acquisition assessment campaign.
  • Building on strong evidence, developed a DTC e-commerce store to sell personalized cat supplements based on assessment recommendations.
  • Developed the complete technology stack: e-commerce, application, email marketing, and fulfillment.
  • Managed acquisition: Paid search and social, organic social, partnerships, email drip campaigns, remarketing.
  • Tested messaging, bundling, pricing, and other variables.
  • Provided customer support and social media interaction


  • A completely new way for the enterprise to test a product in the market, with FUNL managing the entire tech stack and marketing program.
  • Extremely strong first-party acquisition results: 1.5x the lead target at 5.5x the conversion rate goal and 5x lower than the target CPA.
  • The initial phase has concluded, and the business evaluates the next steps.

FUNL helped us rapidly validate product concepts for several brands. They were able to bring real rigor to defining and testing key assumptions through demand tests and great data frameworks. We invalidated one idea early, saving a lot of future cost, and took one validated idea all the way from prototype to a full e-commerce MVP. FUNL’s combination of speed and rigor, and their versatility in terms of marketing, creative, technology and overall innovative thinking and execution make them a must-have partner for any enterprise innovation group.

Senior Director of Marketing, New Business Ventures, GLOBAL CPG COMPANY

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